IMG_8960photo by Stewart Whisenant


What I love best about creativity coaching is helping clients open doorways into an abundantly rich creative life. As your coach I will support you and mentor you as you tap into the joy of full self expression to claim your vision, voice and creative birthright.

As we wonder aloud together, we will honor the non-linear nature of the creative process. I will guide you as you nurture your awakening and unfolding creative expansion. I will hold the lantern during the darkness if you encounter fear, anxiety or other limiting beliefs and be there when you light your celebration candle.  I will ask questions and listen with open ears and heart. I will encourage you to speak to yourself with kind, compassion self-talk. Changes will occur,  one small step at a time.

Some of the activities we might explore together include the following:

Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching (R) Tips and Tools (I am a certified Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coach)

ARTbundance (TM) Techniques and ARTsignments (TM) (I am a certified ARTbundance (TM) Coach and Practitioner

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques )

Guided Imagery

Mind Sculpture

Metaphor and Image Dialogues

Artist Dates and Playground Time

Journaling/art journaling


IMG_8849photo by Stewart Whisenant


How to Get Started

Send me an email ( to schedule a free half-hour Curious? Consultation. I want to hear about your creative dreams —do you have a book to write, a studio practice to develop, a new business to create? I want to know what blocks your spirit from full creative expression.

What to Expect During Regular Sessions

We will meet by phone for an hour. I will follow up with an email, summarizing our session. That way, you don’t have to take notes and can be fully present to your muse. Know that I will be available via email between sessions.

To begin our session I will offer a brief centering meditation to open your spirit and ground you in the present moment.  From there I journey with you in your landscape of creative expression.

What Next?


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